Upcoming Events at Birney

Want to add something new or report an error? Fill out this form to let us know.

Quick Tip: Click the + button above to add the Birney calendar to your own Google calendar. You must first be logged in to your google account.

How to add to the Birney Calendar to your Existing Calendar

Want to add the Birney calendar to your existing Outlook or Google calendar? You will be able to toggle it on and off as needed through your own calendar settings, or delete it whenever you’d like.

If your existing calendar is Google:

  1. Login to your google account in another browser tab

  2. Return to this page

  3. On this page, at the bottom right of the calendar, click the + button

  4. Refresh your calendar and view the Birney calendar, now appearing on your existing calendar. Toggle it on or off in the bottom left section “My calendars”

If your existing calendar is Outlook (New or Classic):

  1. Copy this calendar link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/abb6a80dd60ec09e093a16db2a3d23531fe6b56361064f9e07e58ebb62804d64%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics

  2. Follow the instructions in this article

San Diego Unified School District Calendar

The Birney calendar follows the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) calendar, which is published 2-3 years in advance and applies to all district schools. The Birney-specific calendar is published annually at the start of each academic year and includes additional events unique to Birney.